Privacy Policy

At Platinum fashion we are committed to protect your privacy rights. We deeply appreciate our online customers and visitors and collect information to better serve your buying needs and shopping experience. Platinum Fashion guarantees you that we will not sell, rent, or share any of your personal information with any third parties without your consent, except for our personal affiliates who provide us with necessary services to process your order. 

At checkout, you will be asked to make an account with us optionally, or you may checkout as a guest. In both cases, you will be asked to provide personal information such as your name, billing address, shipping address, email address, telephone number, credit card or other form of payment information or any other identifying information. The information you provide will be used for purposes such as: providing you with the items that you purchased, to process and ship orders, to send shipping confirmation send , store credit information, and to provide customer service and inform you of new site features, and special offers.